Community Acupuncture at Stone Guardian
In Community Acupuncture you are treated alongside other patients. This setting has been making waves here in the region, due in large part to the affordability compared to a private treatment. Community Acupuncture also allows you to share the experience with friends and family.
Community Acupuncture is a wonderful setting for a variety of complaints, it is easier to list what it is not suited to address. Certain pain conditions need direct access. If there is a stubborn muscle in your back that just won’t let go, we may need to get directly at it and while you are seated in a chair, this will prove difficult. We advise those with these sorts of pain conditions to consider one of our Pain Clinics.
The best way to prepare for this style of clinic is to wear loose clothing. In this setting only points from the elbows and knees down, along with the head and neck are generally used. While Stone Guardian has dividers set up, you will be sitting with others who already have needles in so always be courteous and use inside voices.
Stone Guardian’s Community Acupuncture clinic is largerly a drop in style of clinic, although we do offer one chair per hour to be scheduled, if you’re concerned about availability. Those chairs come available 6 days in advance but cannot be booked for the same day. If you’d like to schedule one for this coming week, visit our scheduling page.