Our Mission

We at Stone Guardian believe that anyone should be able to obtain the health care that they need, period. We believe that limitations should be removed, not created. This is why Stone Guardian seeks to provide low to zero cost services, through our non-profit partner Tyrell Group, to those that may otherwise be unable to gain access. The specific populations we have seen finding barriers to care in the area include the LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities, those on Medicaid and Medicare and our nation’s Veterans.

We believe that healthcare should equal lasting benefits, not just temporarily masking a problem. The medicine we practice is not intended to be a bandaid for your health. It is meant to balance and rebuild your health. Here at Stone Guardian we accomplish this by utilizing all four pillars of traditional Chinese medicine: Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Tuina Massage and Qigong.

We believe it is our responsibility to not only help our clients find solid ground but to also help them maintain solid footing. We do this through movement classes, both external in the form of Taiji Quan and internal through training in Qigong.

We believe that healthcare does not stop at the physical body. It should encompass the mind and society as a whole. This is why we host educational seminars to better bring understanding of other groups and culture to our providers, staff and those we serve.

Stone Guardian’s approach to every client we see revolves around a thorough and complete health plan. Each plan will help a client reach their health goals efficiently and effectively before going beyond what they thought their health and life could ever be.

We believe that in the realm of healthcare the work is never done. We continue to strive to provide better, more affordable healthcare to anyone that needs it. To best meet that goal we train licensed Acupuncturists as Stone Guardian Apprentices. Our hope is to instill in these providers the core values we describe above, as well as the ability to provide the higher level of care that clients coming to Stone Guardian expect.

Through all of this we hope that Stone Guardian can be an example of what we believe all healthcare should and can become. This is our health movement, welcome to Stone Guardian.