Acupuncture Pain Clinics at Stone Guardian
Every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Stone Guardian Acupuncture becomes a pain clinic. This won’t be the usual relaxing day at Stone Guardian; there won’t be much time for conversation as Spider or Jonathan will be running both rooms with appointments starting on the half hour or hour, even the music will be different. What it will be is a day is for folks who have already established care are our clinic to get out of pain without having to wait three months for a regular appointment to come available.
These visits will look pretty similar to our 60 minute visits that we have been offering for a few years. They will always include Acupuncture. If needed there will be some heat therapy, like the TDP Lamp. If there is time, and it’s needed, we may offer to include time under a hydrocollator pack. Please keep in mind these added modalities will not be anywhere near as in depth as what can be included in the regular visits during the week. These visits will range from 30 minutes to 60 minutes at the longest and thereby carry a reduced cost of $60.
Appointments for open up 6 days in advance. Booking online is always the best way to snag a spot before they’re all gone.