
Acupuncture definitely holds the place as the most common modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine found here in America. While fairly new to healthcare settings in America Acupuncture has a long history that started in China over 2500 years ago. It has since evolved a great deal and has spread to much of the world. While the roots are still there the plethora of branches look very different today than they used to.

As a treatment method Acupuncture is basically resource management. By inserting hair-thin needles at specific points around your body we are able to help your body better manage the resources it holds. Sometimes this is very straightforward, we poke a muscle in your back in just the right spot, it twitches, blood circulation increases, the brain gets a better picture of it through the nervous system and hopefully you walk out of the clinic in less pain. Other times it may be less straightforward, for that same back pain we may poke a needle into your ankle for similar goals.

While most of the patients coming into Stone Guardian are coming because they are hoping to get out of pain, this is just one of the things Acupuncture can help with. Because of its mechanism of action Acupuncture can help with a variety of issues, ranging from mental and emotional distress, drug and alcohol abuse, reproduction and fertility, migraines and brain injury, and yes, physical pain of all sorts.

At the end of the day though, it is all utilizing the resources your body already has, it is not adding anything new. This is one reason why Acupuncture is best utilized with the other cornerstones of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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